
Aug 23, 2020


6:00 pm

The Single Thread

We welcome you to join us for our Sunday Evening Experience as an online interactive gathering webinar.  Contact for log on instructions.
Due to Michigan’s Stay Home, Stay Safe executive order only allowing groups of 10 or less to gather inside, we will be holding our Sunday Evening Experiences live online with Zoom.
We will offer an expanded, well-rounded lineup of inspiring presenters from our Masters Course students, Coptic Ministers and guest speakers from all over the country and potentially the world. If you miss the live gathering you will still have the option to replay each previous Sunday Evening Experience on our YouTube channel.
There are several ways to join. You can join by phone to be able to hear others and speak. In addition, you can connect on your computer for a visual experience. If you have a camera on your computer, you can turn it on so others can see you. If you don’t have a camera, you can still connect from your computer to see others on the call. Fun!

The event is finished.

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