Would you like permanent access to the videos?
Your registration is complete, and if that’s all you wanted, then you’re free to leave. You’ll get all the details on how to stream the conference on March 15th.
However, if you’d like a little something extra, we have a special offer for you. This is especially valuable if you can’t actually BE THERE on March 15th, or if you’d like more on the topic of finding and expressing your authentic self.
The Coptic Fellowship organizes many different events. Many of our conference presenters also do workshops, and we have a number scheduled in the coming weeks and months, some on the same topic of finding the expressing your authentic self.
If you’d like to get permanent access to the videos of this conference, plus credit towards any of these workshops, we have a special deal for you.
Both of these packages also includes a free trial membership to this website, which entitles you to a 10% discount on all products and events, plus other perks. Memberships can be easily canceled with a simple email request to info@thecopticcenter.org or a phone call to 616-531-1339.
MEMBERS – Please log in to see a special offer just for you.
Basic Upgrade
- Permanent Access to Conference Videos
- $25 credit towards workshops
- PDF of “My Experiences Preceding 5000 Burials” by Hamid Bey
- 1-year Free Membership
Executive Upgrade
- Permanent Access to Conference Videos
- $50 credit towards workshops
- PDF of “My Experiences Preceding 5000 Burials” by Hamid Bey
- PDF of “The Power of Your Mind Versus Fear” by Hamid Bey
- 1-Year Free Membership
Rather make a simple donation / love offering?
We’ve found that some folks are happy to make a love offering even when they do not want to purchase one of our conference packages. If this describes you, you may use the form below to donate something to the Coptic Fellowship and help us fulfill our mission. Your support helps the Coptics provide quality conferences, classes and workshops to help more people.