Come and celebrate
your special uniqueness
at our newest virtual conference.
Discover your authentic self by shedding societal expectations and overcoming limiting beliefs. Unlock your true potential and live the life you were meant to enjoy.

Everywhere we look, we find many who want to control us. They tell us what to think, how to feel, and how to act. We constantly hear recommendations that “if you want to be accepted”, you have to live according to THEIR rules.
These days, it’s getting even worse. People all over the world are being persecuted for being different.
So we do our best to fit in, not be judged, and somehow get through life quietly, without attracting too much attention to ourselves.
But is that, really, any way to live? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!
While there are many bullies in the world, they don’t have as much power as they pretend to have.
In fact, you can live quite comfortably by relaxing and just being yourself, authentically.
Think of your favorite musician, actor, or artist. Why do you like them so much?
Probably because they are DIFFERENT from the vast majority of others in the same field. It’s their DIFFERENCE that makes them special.
Which is why we can be MORE SUCCESSFUL in our life and careers when we choose to ignore those threatening to enslave us for living differently than they do.
But HOW do we do this without becoming a target for persecution?
It’s time to step out of the shadows
and let your light shine bright by
finding and living your authentic self!
The Light-bearers showing us the way
Lee is the “original channel” for Kryon who has been sharing messages of love and light with the world since 1989. Together with his partner, Monika Muranyi, they continue to share Kryon’s messages through original weekly programs, books, and courses. Kryon – the Magnetic Master is often described as a loving angelic entity, who shares messages of peace and empowerment with humanity.
Creating Mastery in Turbulent Times – When you look at the news and current events, does it seem extra crazy right now? Join Monika Muranyi and Lee Carroll, the original channel for Kryon, as they unravel the biggest Shift humanity has ever seen. The Ancients foretold of this time, and it’s in the Mayan Calendar as well. The prophecy is linked to the emergence of the new Human on this planet. The new Humans are the Old Souls with increased awareness who are able to embody the attributes of mastery. The result is the ability to create a peace-empowered life.
James is the NY Times bestselling author of 23 books including The Moses Code. He is known around the world as The Peace Troubadour and has produced or directed seven feature films including the award winning Redwood Highway. James is also an Episcopal priest and a Franciscan friar in the Community of Francis and Clare. In 2018 James founded an interfaith spiritual community in Mexico called Namaste Village. People from around the world join everyday for live sessions as well as community events. and
How to De-Polarize your Family, your Country and the World – The world is more separated and polarized than ever before. Is this a sign of global breakdown or an opportunity for an awakening of universal significance? In this presentation, James Twyman shares a simple tool that will help you become a “Master De-Polarizer” and play your role in bridging the gap between far-left and far-right. This tool is so simple yet so effective; you’ll be able to use it right away, and you’ll be amazed at how effective it will be.
Jon is an author, publisher of Miracles Magazine, and Director of All Faiths Seminary International in NYC. He taught Philosophy and Psychology 1969-2008 at the New School and the SUNY. Minister of Interfaith Fellowship, with services in Cami Hall across from Carnegie Hall in NYC, 1989-2002. The author of 12 books. His best-selling book, Living A Course in Miracles, is in 8 languages. He was introduced to A Course in Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman in 1975.
Living a Lucid Life – From Buddha’s Great Awakening to Plato’s Cave, John Bunyan’ Pilgrim’s Progress, Shakespeare’s “All the World is a Stage,” to A Course in Miracles, “Dreaming the World,” the theme of dreaming our lives away appears repeatedly. This presentation focused on awakening “in” the dream” as a prequel to awakening “from” the dream. Caught in dreaming the world, we can’t see the forest for the trees, thinking the dream is a reality and not remembering ‘the great reality’ that surpasses all dreams.
Vic is a multifaceted leader and Quantum Mindset Coach dedicated to empowering individuals and business owners to redefine success and unlock their full potential. With expertise in pediatric chiropractic, healing arts, neuroscience, and quantum physics, he harmonizes mindset, energy, and systems to offer a unique path to personal and professional fulfillment. Through his podcast, he shares transformative insights, guiding listeners toward purpose, joy, and lasting abundance.
Decoding Your Matrix – Are you ready to uncover the blueprint behind the life you’re living, to finally break free from the invisible patterns holding you back? Imagine stepping into a world where you are the architect of your destiny—where nothing is off-limits and your fullest potential is within reach. This workshop, Decoding Your Matrix, is an experience that will transform how you see yourself and the world around you. In this powerful session, we dive deep into the science and psychology behind the beliefs, patterns, and paradigms that shape your life—your “Matrix.” You’ll learn how to identify the invisible programming that limits your success, rewire your mindset, and awaken a new vision of your potential. This is about tapping into your higher consciousness and aligning with universal laws that govern true fulfillment.
Native Author and Mescalero Apache Teacher, Billie is dedicated to “Creating a Sacred Place One Person at a Time” through the indigenous native teachings of her teachers. Billie has lectured and taught at Northwestern University, Cancer Treatment Centers of America, and more. Her work has been published in several magazines, and she is the author of meditations and her most recent published book, ‘Spirit Guide Invocations’ – Seeking Wisdom from Sacred Helpers.
Are You Ready to Live Authentically and Embrace Who You Truly Are? – A special inside view of the Mescalero Apache tradition and concepts regarding the important connection with our true authentic self which is vitally connected to our spirit. Join us for an inspiring and transformative class designed to help you explore the core of your being and cultivate a life that reflects your true self. In this session, you will embark on a journey of self-discover, focusing on key aspects of authenticity, including self-awareness, vulnerability, integrity, boundaries, passion and acceptance. You will learn how to peel away social expectations and connect with your inner essence.
Mark is an international meditative recording artist and certified Amrit Yoga teacher. He is also a retired psychologist and social worker. His music has been describe by Northern Express as “having the power to go beyond ones ears to the heart and perhaps the soul for inner peace”: and by Gurudev Yogi Amrit Desai as “the sounds of the bowls on the Tibetan Bowl Experience album takes you to the deepest levels of soul where ecstasy, love and bliss reside.
Tibetan Singing Bowls – Tashi Delek: May you awaken to the enlightenment that is already in you in this lifetime. The ancient yogis spoke abstractly about leaving the ego( linear mind) and entering the full stillness: whereas one plugs into feeling (prana, chi, life force, Holy Spirit,etc.) and surrendering to your pranic expression within higher consciousness. This presentation is designed to enable you to tune in and experience profound inner peace.
Alan has been teaching manifesting since 2003, and has written numerous books and courses on the subject, including “Choose to Believe: A Practical Guide to Living Your Dreams” and “Harmonic Prayer: How to Instantly Increase Your Prayer Power”. He is currently pursuing a new direction in which he uses hypnotic principles to guide his clients into a deep and powerful space within to unleash their most creative selves to solve problems, meet goals, and life life on your terms.
Winning the Game of Life, Authentically – In this presentation, Alan will show you how you can connect more deeply with your most authentic self to release hidden abilities and power to make life easier, allowing you to achieve more with less effort.
Carl holds Master’s Degrees in Divinity and Counseling and was a Lutheran Minister for thirteen years. In 1978, he was ordained as a Coptic Minister. He is an International speaker, workshop leader and the author of the acclaimed “Alpha Series of Self Help CD’s”, Metaphysical/Spiritual/Scientific Researcher and known for his “Life Script Readings”.
Consciousness – Human and Divine – Nothing exists without Consciousness. Science has proven that everything has Consciousness! Humans have the Highest level of consciousness on the Earth plane. We are here to Co-create on the Earth surface and grow into Divine consciousness. We are becoming Miracle Workers! Join us in discovering the powerful being that You Are.
Paul has been exploring human consciousness for over 40 years and has published two books on the subject. His most recent, Through the Wall of Reality:
How the Heart Reveals Hidden Dimensions of Time, Money, Dreaming, and Enlightenment, is based on his experiential online class offered through Glidewing Productions. Paul is a former Executive Director of The Monroe Institute. He graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity Degree but left the ministry to seek a deeper understanding of the numinous.
Accessing The Heart’s Silence: The Portal to Our Deepest Self – So often spirituality attempts to manipulate and/or to quiet the mind’s thoughts as a route to inner peace and well-being. Though it is often overlooked, we have a much more effective and accessible vehicle at our disposal: the heart’s innate silence and wisdom. When we drop into the heart, we bypass the mind and its thoughts altogether. Within this silence we gain access to the ground of all being where we can discover entirely new dimensions of our truest Self. From the perspective of the heart we begin to see ourselves as embedded within a vibrant, conscious, and highly relational cosmos. This is the foundation for an entirely new identity.
Mary is the founder of Inner Awakenings, a holistic healing practice for all species. Mary has taught at spiritual conferences since early 1990’s. She is an End-of-Life Doula, spiritual intuitive, animal communicator, Healing Touch practitioner, SoulCollage® facilitator, Thymo-Kinesiologist and Reiki Master. Mary’s spiritual journeys enlighten you in all aspects of your life. Her belief in the sacredness and oneness of all creation, of all species, is the foundation of her spiritual work.
Authenticity for the Dying – Understanding the sacredness of dying helps you be authentic with that person and with yourself. Understanding the relationship of your body and your soul enables your physical death to be more peaceful and purposeful. Recognizing your legacy gives credence to your life and the lasting effect you have on others. Attendees will better understand how to honor the death process and make it more peaceful for all concerned.
When, Where, and How Much?
This will be a virtual conference live streamed over the internet on Saturday, March 15, 2025, so you can attend from anywhere. Specific details will be available later. We typically start around 9 or 10am EST and run until 4 or 5pm. with periodic breaks. Our previous virtual conferences were streamed over Zoom, although depending on the size of the audience, we may need to stream it through YouTube.
Attendance is free. We truly want to serve you in any way we can, and this information NEEDS to be spread far and wide. There are far too many people being persecuted for being different, and that just isn’t right. (BTW – If you know anyone who could use this information, make sure to send them to this page.)
The Coptic Fellowship is a community of spiritual, heart-centered, unique individuals who support each other. Some consider us a little “woo” in our philosophy, and that’s okay. Maybe we ARE a little “woo”. Many of our members are healers, intuitives, coaches, and artists who serve the world with their unique gifts.
If any of this appeals to you, we’d love to have you join us and celebrate the uniqueness within all of us. Along the way, we’ll help you find and express YOUR authentic self so you can shine brightly and attract those who fully appreciate the real you, without becoming a target for those who are trying to compensate for weakness by imposing their way onto others.
Remember always — We Are Stronger Together!
Register Here
Registration is free, and all are welcome. Just fill out the short form below, and we’ll send you the details you need to attend this incredible event.