All the important information, all in one place

Many of our speakers have websites, where they offer free gifts as well as various products and/or services they provide, and some are presenting online workshops.  Here, you will find them all listed for your convenience.  There’s also a very special offer from us at the bottom of this page.

BTW, if the speaker evaluation polls went by too quickly on Zoom, you can take your time and submit your evaluations for all speakers and the conference as a whole at

Steve Krejcik

Steve has been a dedicated student and influential teacher in the realm of human transformation for over five decades. As the Director of the Coptic Fellowship, he embodies the roles of a leader, minister, teacher, and healer. His multifaceted expertise includes being an Advanced Master Shaman Practitioner, a Certified Hypnotist, and a published author of insightful works. As the visionary founder of Grey Wolf Healing Therapies (, Steve has positively impacted the lives of countless individuals, guiding them through the intricate process of clearing emotional and energetic roadblocks. He adeptly utilizes the profound techniques of the Q’ero Shamans of Peru, facilitating profound healing and personal growth for those in need. Steve’s philosophy revolves around the belief that our ultimate aim in life is self-awareness. He passionately advocates that our spiritual evolution is best measured by the depth of inner peace, joy, and love that we both experience and radiate to the world.

You’ll find Steve’s website at

Online Workshop presented by Steve Krejcik:

The Rites of the Munay-Ki:  The Bands of Power

The rites of the Munay-Ki are based on initiatory practices of the shamans from the Andes mountains, Amazon jungle, and coasts of Perú. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past: the karmic & genetic programs and beliefs we inherited. They re-inform our DNA, enabling you to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.

The Bands of Power are five energetic belts woven around the body with the essence of each element: earth, water, fire, air, and pure light. These bands strengthen our connection with nature and act as filters disintegrating negative and heavy energies, thus protecting us physically and psychically. In this way we can be more present and available for life, instead of squandering our energy in fear, doubt or worry.

🗓️ April 25th
🕖 7:00 – 8:30 pm ET
💲Cost: Love Offering ($25 suggested donation)

Tony Burroughs

Tony is the co-founder of, where you will find 5 free posters to download, as well as a free email course in self-empowerment.  You’ll find all of these listed at

Corinne Cayce

Corinne is not just the great grand-daughter of legendary Edgar Cayce, but is an Integral Leadership Coach in her own right, as well as serving as the A.R.E.’s family outreach programming coordinator.

You’ll find Corinne’s website (including her blog) at

Frederick Stella

Frederick is an active supporter of the Grand Rapids Meditation Circle of the Self-Realization Fellowship, where they hold weekly services, where you are free to come join them in fellowship.

Upcoming topics for these weekly services may be found at

Online Workshop presented by Frederick Stella

Affirmations: Why They Work…And Why They Don’t

If practicing affirmations change my reality, why am I still stuck with the same old reality?

Almost all deep-spiritual paths teach the value of affirmations. The challenge is that many who include affirming goals and outcomes do not see the results they were promised. In this workshop you will learn the just how the ancient Hindu sages taught the art (some would also say science) of sacred sound, and how it impacts our mental development and outlook. We’ll also investigate the role of karma in modifying our reality.

If a student comes with an open heart and strong will, one can expect to start to really feel the power of words that are spoken with great intent. Since each individual is different, we can’t claim that everyone will share the same experience. But previous classes have shown that most will feel an enhanced state of well-being.

From a more intellectual level, the attendee will learn the history, philosophy and theology of Nada Brahm, or Sacred Sound; and how this practice has been at the foundation of the world’s oldest religious system. More important, those who join us with proper intent will be able to experience this power and take it into all aspects of their lives if added to their daily spiritual practice.

The reason for the title of this workshop is that far too often, affirmations are taught on a rather superficial level. While this is better than nothing, more often than not, lives don’t change. People get discouraged and move to something else. We need to know what we may be doing that might act as an impediment to our aspirations. And sometimes, spiritual insights are taught without giving heed to the importance of attention to the pragmatic and practical realities of life. It is our goal to include this aspect as well.

Changes will be as varied as the people who attend. Since we all affirm different aspirations, outcomes will be different. And yes, for reasons that will be explained, some will realize greater immediate benefits than others. But I hold that everyone who attends with a motivated mind will learn to see the power of a developed, strong will.

🗓️ May 2nd
🕖 7:00 – 8:00 pm ET
💲Cost: Love Offering ($20 suggested donation)

Ortrun Franklin

Ortrun and her husband, Carl, offer many different things through their website at, where they share their unique wisdom and insights.

You’ll find a wide variety of free gifts at

Online Workshop presented by Ortrun Franklin:

The Great Pyramid Light Initiation

Attaining “Souls Liberation” is an internal journey.

The students of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools received their “rings” of achievement at specific Pyramid and Temple sights (each focusing on different aspects of Divine Consciousness. The Great Pyramid focuses on Unified Consciousness. Each chamber of the Pyramid resides within us. As above, so below! Heart/Mind conscious is within us: it is a reflection of Osiris/Isis consciousness, which in turn reflects the stellar consciousness of the Orion and Sirius constellations. Join me as I guide you through the Initiation chambers of the Great Pyramid which will lift you up to Unified Consciousness.

🗓️ April 18th
🕖 7:00 – 8:00 pm ET
💲Cost: $25

Alan Tutt

Alan Tutt

Alan has been teaching folks how to manifest their dreams into reality since 2003, and currently offers a free membership where you get 1 or 2 free hypnosis recordings every month.

You can sign up for his PowerKey of the Month Club at

Online Workshop presented by Alan Tutt:

Hypnotic Manifesting

In just 90 minutes, you can become a Master Manifestor!

Manifesting works when you believe it will work. Most folks teach manifesting as a conscious process, which is not the most effective way to do it. When you can relax, go within, and delegate the manifesting work to your subconscious, manifesting becomes effortless. Hypnosis is the ideal tool to make this happen. Come to this 90-minute guided experience, and you will walk away a Master Manifestor.

🗓️ March 7th
🕖 7:00 – 8:30 pm ET
💲Cost: Love Offering ($25 suggested donation)

Mark Handler

Mark is such a wonderful individual who absolutely LOVES what he does, and blesses us all by participating in events such as this conference.  On his website, you’ll find several free videos, plus information on his CDs, and a form to book him for a private session or to book him for another event.

Mark’s website is at

Online Workshops presented by Mark Handler:

Breathing the Gateway to Mind, Body and Spirit

When we discover the power of specific breathing techniques, we develop the ability to access and transform the divine within. Through ancient yoga breath practices, there are techniques addressing nearly everything. We can use breath to learn to energize, relax, sleep, or enter into stillness mediation. These techniques are also very useful for unhealthy breathing issues. In this seminar specific breath techniques will be shared. In addition to learning the technique, the breath work often leads to intriguing states of consciousness.

🗓️ March 21st
🕖 7:00 – 8:30 pm ET
💲Cost: Love Offering ($25 suggested donation)

Some en-Chanted Evening

This seminar is an opportunity to feel the enchantment one can experience through chanting. Chanting can be prayerful and lead to a state of being called love. When we chant alone, it relaxes us and brings us deep within. When we chant together, we experience our intrinsic unity (oneness). In relationships, we can chant together as a couple. The oneness that can happen can be extraordinary. In this seminar, several chanting styles will be practiced. Many of the chants will be in Sanskrit. Depending on time and group interest, beginning Tibetan style chant may be taught and practiced. If there are limitations, techniques to practice at home will be taught. This seminar should be profound and lots of fun.

🗓️ April 4th
🕖 7:00 – 8:30 pm ET
💲Cost: Love Offering ($25 suggested donation)

Linda Missad

Linda supplied the music used in the breaks for this conference, and if you’d like to purchase her CDs, you’ll find them on her website at

Special Offer by The Coptic Fellowship International

We are making the videos of this conference, PLUS the videos of our previous virtual conference available at an incredibly low price of just $49. Included with this package, you’ll also get a free 1-year membership to the website, which gives you 10% off all purchases plus other perks.

For full details, go to

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