The Great Pyramid Light Initiation

Online Workshop presented by:  Ortrun Franklin

Attaining “Souls Liberation” is an internal journey.

The students of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools received their “rings” of achievement at specific Pyramid and Temple sights (each focusing on different aspects of Divine Consciousness. The Great Pyramid focuses on Unified Consciousness. Each chamber of the Pyramid resides within us. As above, so below! Heart/Mind conscious is within us: it is a reflection of Osiris/Isis consciousness, which in turn reflects the stellar consciousness of the Orion and Sirius constellations. Join me as I guide you through the Initiation chambers of the Great Pyramid which will lift you up to Unified Consciousness.

About Ortrun

Ortrun Franklin became part of Coptic Fellowship International, where she studied the writings of Hamid Bey (a seven ring Master of a Coptic Mystery School of Egypt). She was ordained as a Coptic Minister in 1979.

Meditation came easily to her, and she recognized that meditation was her way of life. She began teaching and leading meditations. She recorded many meditation CD’s, which are utilized around the Planet. She is a sought-after voice to set the tone of Conferences and Seminars.

Her experiencing Egypt deepened her desire to understand “the mysteries.” She studied arcane texts and explored the ancient temple ruins themselves. More and more she was shown the symbolic meaning behind the outer hieroglyphs. She became an esoteric Egyptologist of the hidden mysteries. She founded “Key of Life – The Mystery School” in 2011 where she is an instructor of numerous spiritual/metaphysical topics and disciplines.

Ortrun co-hosted the live stream show, “Living in Two Worlds via Facebook BeLive” for numerous years, plus being a publishing columnist for Star Nation Magazine for 7 years. In July of 2019, she published her book “Key of Life – Ancient Truths Integrated into the Modern World”.

Currently, Ortrun is co-instructor of The Mystery School Gathering via Zoom and in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Coptic Fellowship workshop presenter, and guest Speaker at various Spiritual Metaphysical venues.

In addition, she assists many through her Spiritual gifts: Sa-Ka-Ra Soul Healing, Mentoring/Counseling and Ren (symbolic name)/Numerology interpretations and her Audio products.

Take a look at her Intuitive Readings and Products Page at

The Great Pyramid Light Initiation

Online workshop presented by:  Ortrun Franklin

The students of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools received their “rings” of achievement at specific Pyramid and Temple sights (each focusing on different aspects of Divine Consciousness. The Great Pyramid focuses on Unified Consciousness. Each chamber of the Pyramid resides within us. As above, so below! Heart/Mind conscious is within us: it is a reflection of Osiris/Isis consciousness, which in turn reflects the stellar consciousness of the Orion and Sirius constellations. Join me as I guide you through the Initiation chambers of the Great Pyramid which will lift you up to Unified Consciousness.


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