Phase 1: Save the Date (January – Early February)

Reserved “Newsy” Style

Email 1: Take March 15th off your calendar

I will be participating in a virtual conference on Saturday, March 15th, and you’re definitely going to want to attend.

This conference is hosted by the Coptic Fellowship, which was founded in 1937 and are responsible for hosting many such conferences, bringing together powerful speakers you may or may not already know.

In THIS conference we will be helping those who are uncomfortable expressing their authentic selves, possibly because they have been influence by all the talk about having to “fit in” with traditional society to be accepted and succeed in life.

If you’re ever held back because you weren’t sure how folks would respond to what you really wanted to do, you need to attend this conference.

Get all the details and register for this virtual conference here:
Beyond the Mask: Finding and Living Your Authentic Self

Excited Style

Email 2: March 15th is when it all changes …. FOR THE BETTER!

Hello my beautiful friend!

With all the chaos and turmoil happening in the world today, we need to take every opportunity to celebrate the positive!

On March 15th, I will be speaking at a virtual conference hosted by the Coptic Fellowship, an organization that’s been around since 1937..

The conference title is:
Beyond the Mask: Finding and Living Your Authentic Self

If you’ve ever been frustrated at people telling you what to do, how to do it, and suggesting that you simply CANNOT be yourself and get what you deserve in life, March 15th will be the day it all changes for the better.

Get all the details and register for this virtual conference here:
Beyond the Mask: Finding and Living Your Authentic Self

Mystery Style

Email 3: Your Guides are Calling

I don’t know if you listen to your guides on a regular basis, but just in case, I recently got a message that your guides are trying to get you to save a very important date.

March 15th to be precise.

I’m fairly certain that this is because I will be one of those speaking at the Coptic Fellowship’s virtual conference titled …

Beyond the Mask: Finding and Living Your Authentic Self

On March 15th, a small group of us will be sharing our insights into how you can safely ignore all the BS saying that in order to reach your goals and be accepted you have to fit in with the “normals” of society. Pffffff!

We’ll help you identify what ideas are coming from your authentic self and what’s coming from things people have told you in the past.

Then we’ll help you express your true personality without feeling like you’re exposing yourself and all your flaws on national TV.

If you’re ready to just relax and let go of trying to please others just to be accepted, you need to be at this conference.

Get all the details and register for this virtual conference here:
Beyond the Mask: Finding and Living Your Authentic Self

Phase 2: Early Details (February)

Reserved “Newsy” Style

Email 4:

Quite often, we hear that in order to be accepted or get the results we want in life, we have to fit in with what others deem to be acceptable or desirable.

And yet, when you try to be someone you’re not, you lack energy, authenticity, and do a poor job of expressing the Divine Gift that is you.

On the other hand, many feel insecure just being themselves, feeling as if they are running naked into the world, showing all of their flaws and getting judged as a result.

Where is the balance point?

And how do you know if what you THINK is your true self isn’t just a reflection of what others from your past have led you to believe?

On March 15th, a group of powerful leaders (including myself) are coming together to help you and others like you to overcome these challenges to identify WHO you REALLY are and express your authentic self with confidence and authority so you can live the life you truly deserve to live without criticism or judgement.

Get all the details and register for this virtual conference here:
Beyond the Mask: Finding and Living Your Authentic Self

Excited Style

Email 5: THIS is just SO AWESOME!

You know that tingle you get in your belly when something just SO PERFECT happens?

I’m feeling it right now!

You may or may not have heard that I will be speaking at the Coptic Fellowship’s newest virtual conference on March 15th titled …

Beyond the Mask: Finding and Living Your Authentic Self

There are some really high-powered speakers involved, and sharing the stage with the others in this group is so incredibly THRILLING!

But that’s not the exciting bit.

What’s REALLY EXCITING is that we’re going to be helping SO MANY PEOPLE break out of limiting beliefs about what they can and cannot do to succeed in life and reap the rewards of being so uniquely themselves.

Maybe you’re heard things like this …

  • You have to stand tall and present yourself with confidence to be respected.
  • If you want others to accept you, you have to be like them.
  • If you’re TOO different, something’s wrong with you.
  • That’s just the way the world is. You’re not going to change it.

As a result of comments like those above, many feel uncomfortable just being themselves, holding back from doing what they actually want to do and adjusting their actions to better match what others are doing.

If you’re ever found yourself holding back, or doing things the way OTHERS do them, you really need to attend this conference so we can show you a better way.

Get all the details and register for this virtual conference here:
Beyond the Mask: Finding and Living Your Authentic Self

Mystery Style

Email 6: Are you in full alignment with your authentic self?

You may have heard.

Your experience of life is a direct reflection of who you are.

If that’s the case, a LOT of us are royally screwed.

It seems the world is just getting worse and worse, with so many in power trying to control everyone else in ways that just shouldn’t happen.

Many are in denial about this, thinking that it doesn’t affect them, but how long will it be before the same vicious attitude shifts to attack those who write with their left hand, or eat too many carbs, or — heaven forbid — wear jeans more than 1 day per week!

Sure, laugh if you want, but the same attitude of wanting to control others won’t stop once it really gets going.

We need to stop this NOW!

And the best way to stop it is to show the world how WONDERFUL it is to be different.

But how?

How can we express our true, authentic self if we’re not sure what’s coming from our core selves and what’s coming from things we heard as a child? It could be that the shyness some of us feel is nothing more than a carry-over of a parent telling us “don’t talk to strangers.”

How do we really know when we are in alignment with our authentic self?

How is that different from the feeling we get when we are in alignment with the accumulated beliefs and memories of a lifetime?

On March 15th, a small group of enlightened thought leaders (including myself) will be sharing our insights into how to find and express your authentic self in a way that doesn’t feel like you’re parading around town in your birthday suit inviting judgment.

Get all the details and register for this virtual conference here:
Beyond the Mask: Finding and Living Your Authentic Self

Phase 3: Full Details (coming later)

Reserved “Newsy” Style

Email 7:

Excited Style

Email 8:

Mystery Style

Email 9:

Phase 4: Last-Minute Rush (coming later)

Reserved “Newsy” Style

Email 10:

Excited Style

Email 11:

Mystery Style

Email 12:

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