
Aug 24, 2023


7:00 pm - 8:00 pm



Key of Life Mystery 3 Part Series Series – 3: Sa-Ka-Ra (From Son to Spirit to Divine) Integration/Initiation.

Presented by Ortrun Franklin

Series 1: Path of Cartouche
Series 2: What’s in a Name (Ren)?
Series 3: Sa-Ka-Ra (From Son to Spirit to Divine) Integration/Initiation.

Series 3: Sa-Ka-Ra (From Son to Spirit to Divine) Integration/Initiation.

This workshop focuses on Sakkara, the first Pyramid built in Ancient Egypt. The Lemurians and Atlantis implanted their teachings there. By walking the Initiation chambers of Saqqara (Sakkara), we, as sons and daughters of the Divine, enter into our personal Ascension journey of the Mystery School teachings

45 minute workshop / 15 minute Q&A

Cost:  $20

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