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Some enCHANTed Evening

This workshop is an opportunity to feel the enchantment one can experience through chanting. Chanting can be prayerful and lead to a state of being called love. When we chant alone, it relaxes us and brings us deep within. When we chant together, we experience our intrinsic unity (oneness). In relationships, we can chant together as a couple. The oneness that can happen can be extraordinary. In this seminar, several chanting styles will be practiced. Many of the chants will be in Sanskrit. Depending on time and group interest, beginning Tibetan style chant may be taught and practiced. If there are limitations, techniques to practice at home will be taught. This workshop should be profound and lots of fun.

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Breathing the Gateway to Mind, Body, and Spirit

When we discover the power of specific breathing techniques, we develop the ability to access and transform the divine within. Through ancient yoga breath practices, there are techniques addressing nearly everything. We can use breath to learn to energize, relax, sleep, or enter into stillness mediation. These techniques are also very useful for unhealthy breathing issues. In this seminar specific breath techniques will be shared. In addition to learning the technique, the breath work often leads to intriguing states of consciousness.

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Online Workshop: Animal Spirit Guides, Totems, Friends
Presented by:  Mary Lemons

Animals are one of your most overlooked resources for your spiritual growth. Open yourself to the magnificent world of the animal kingdom. Learn different ways animals can influence and guide you. It is unnecessary to have a personal pet to experience the companionship of an animal. Regardless of your need, there is an animal willing to gift you with guidance. After sharing personal experiences of how animals can deeper your spirituality, Mary will lead you in a meditation to meet one of your personal animal companions.

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The Great Pyramid Light Initiation
Online workshop presented by:  Ortrun Franklin

The students of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery Schools received their “rings” of achievement at specific Pyramid and Temple sights (each focusing on different aspects of Divine Consciousness. The Great Pyramid focuses on Unified Consciousness. Each chamber of the Pyramid resides within us. As above, so below! Heart/Mind conscious is within us: it is a reflection of Osiris/Isis consciousness, which in turn reflects the stellar consciousness of the Orion and Sirius constellations. Join me as I guide you through the Initiation chambers of the Great Pyramid which will lift you up to Unified Consciousness.

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The Rites of the Munay-Ki: The Bands of Power
Video Recording of Online Workshop presented by:  Steve Krejcik

The rites of the Munay-Ki are based on initiatory practices of the shamans from the Andes mountains, Amazon jungle, and coasts of Perú. They are energetic transmissions that heal the wounds of the past: the karmic & genetic programs and beliefs we inherited. They re-inform our DNA, enabling you to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.

The Bands of Power are five energetic belts woven around the body with the essence of each element: earth, water, fire, air, and pure light. These bands strengthen our connection with nature and act as filters disintegrating negative and heavy energies, thus protecting us physically and psychically. In this way we can be more present and available for life, instead of squandering our energy in fear, doubt or worry.

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Affirmations: Why They Work...And Why They Don't
Online Workshop presented by:  Frederick Stella

If practicing affirmations change my reality, why am I still stuck with the same old reality?

Almost all deep-spiritual paths teach the value of affirmations. The challenge is that many who include affirming goals and outcomes do not see the results they were promised. In this workshop you will learn the just how the ancient Hindu sages taught the art (some would also say science) of sacred sound, and how it impacts our mental development and outlook. We’ll also investigate the role of karma in modifying our reality.

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Mind Over Mystery Audiobook

MP3 download.  Based on Hamid Bey’s story found in his “My Life Preceding 5000 Burials” book, this recording was scripted by Coptic Member Peter Wehle and performed by Fred Stella, who did a wonderful job giving life to the various characters involved.

Hypnotic Manifesting
Online Workshop presented by:  Alan Tutt

In just 90 minutes, you can become a Master Manifestor!

Manifesting works when you believe it will work. Most folks teach manifesting as a conscious process, which is not the most effective way to do it. When you can relax, go within, and delegate the manifesting work to your subconscious, manifesting becomes effortless. Hypnosis is the ideal tool to make this happen. Watch this 90-minute guided experience, and you will walk away a Master Manifestor.

$25 suggested donation, $10 minimum

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50 years Vegetarian to Keto - Lose Weight, Gain Energy, Get Rid of Pain

Presented by Cary Kirastar Ellis.  Lose Weight, Gain Energy, Get Rid of Pain.” We’ll discuss ways to shed pounds while boosting your energy levels, improving your overall health, and eliminating pain.  Learn a key underlying cause of illness and obesity, and the secrets to keeping your body slim, vital and healthy!  This workshop will have enough step-by-step instructions to inspire you to change your life for the better!

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Empower Yourself - Create Abundance, Relationship, Success

This incredible workshop is designed to empower and inspire you to create abundance in all areas of your life!   This workshop will cover relationship building, success, and other aspects of leading a fulfilled life.  We will do the 21st Century Superhuman Meditation that attendees will be able to keep and use regularly for a life-changing focus.  Through a variety of interactive activities, thought-provoking conversations, and clear instruction, this workshop will help you gain the tools and strategies you need to create a more abundant life.

Presented by Cary Kirastar Ellis. 

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Personal and Planetary Ascension

Hosted by Carl Franklin.  WOW! The times we are living in, so much change, so fast!  The Big picture is not us personally or the planet. It is the Universe. And, we all volunteered to assist.  So, what is going on? What is coming, what is the role that you play?  In this workshop, you will be given guidance, a sense of purpose and direction, plus the confidence that comes from knowing that You are doing what you are here to do!

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Death, Dying & Beyond

Hosted by Carl Franklin.  Have you ever been to a funeral of a loved one and wondered: Are they alive somewhere? What are they experiencing? Are they happy?  You can get answers from; people that have died and been resuscitated, communication via channeling, or by reading the Bible.

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5th Dimensional Christianity

In this Workshop we will identify 3rd, 4th and 5th Dimensional Christian Beliefs. Such as: Who is God? Who is Jesus? Who are you?  We’ll review several key Bible stories that play major roles in 3rd Dimensional thinking and interpret them from higher levels of consciousness.  This information may assist you in evaluating your present beliefs and possibly modify some of them to a higher Spiritual level.

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Key of Life Mystery - Part 1 - Path of Cartouche

What occurs before you descend into the Earth plane? Do you know what your purpose is before entering the planet? What is Cartouche? Does an awakening occur once you are upon Grandmother Earth?  If so, how? In the ancient Egyptian times, re-awakening was prompted when the timing was right. In this workshop, you will learn what occurs before entering the Planet, life on the Planet and how the re-awakening takes place.

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Key of Life Mystery - Part 2: What is in a Name (Ren)?

Series 2: What’s in a name (Ren)?  The ancient Egyptian word for name is “Ren”. Ren is 1 of the 5 components that make up the Soul (Ren, Ba, Ka, Ib, Sheut). Specific emphasis will be placed on Ren.  In this workshop you will come to understand how important Ren (outer given name and inner symbolic name of Cartouche) is in guiding you through your life.

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Key of Life Mystery - Part 3: Sa-Ka-Ra (From Son to Spirit to Divine) Integration/Initiation.

Series 3: Sa-Ka-Ra (From Son to Spirit to Divine) Integration/Initiation.   This workshop focuses on Sakkara, the first Pyramid built in Ancient Egypt. The Lemurians and Atlantis implanted their teachings there. By walking the Initiation chambers of Saqqara (Sakkara), we, as sons and daughters of the Divine, enter into our personal Ascension journey of the Mystery School teachings

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Love: The Heart of All That Is

Learn more about the power of your perceptions, thoughts, and connection to the heart. How positive thoughts improve our electromagnetic connection on a cellar level with ourselves and others.  You will also learn about heart-brain coherence, and we will take part in a heart coherence experience.  By the end of this workshop, you will realize when we think a thought, when our heart beats, when we activate a muscle, when we do anything, electricity travels along the neural pathways in the body, creating either a positive or negative electromagnetic field within us.

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SHINE: How to Get Out of Your Own Way to Light Up the World

Presented by Kristen Hartnagel.  Imposter syndrome can rob you of joy and keep you from your greatness. In this program, Kristen shares what imposter syndrome is, uncovers its detrimental effects, and provides practical strategies to overcome it to shine brightly.

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Keeping Our Energies Resilient

Joy! More Joy!  Doing a short energy routine daily and maybe more, the attendee will begin feeling more vibrant and able to handle life’s situations in a more comfortable and Joyful way. The key word is joyful.  Feeling empowered with new tools to address your own well-being on many levels. Create a life-long habit of taking care of their energies. A person’s energies and what they think and say affects not only themselves. Our own energies affect those in proximity and can even affect those not quite so proximal. We all understand how prayer & thought does the same thing.

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Animals in the Afterlife

Have you ever wondered what happens to our beloved animal companions after they leave their physical bodies? Would you like to learn more about communication with your beloved pets that are in Spirit?  Join Jeanna Billings for a discussion of concepts and techniques for opening the channels of communication with animals in the Afterlife.

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Are We In A Simulation?

One of our favorite storytellers, Rev. Diane Stark facilitates this workshop in which she and the attendees will explore some of what it means to be human.  Looking at recent scientific discoveries that contradict known science, does the theory of a simulation make sense? How does that effect our context in present experience?

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Using Frequency to Release Anxiety, Worry, & Fear - Part 1

In each unique session of this three-part group tuning series, you will explore different areas of your biofield, accessing and releasing energetic patterns relating to anxiety, worry, and fear.  Week 1: Activating your ground. We will be building a foundation with a simple method to instantly bring you into the NOW, where you can choose a new future, establishing the groundwork for lasting change in your life.  Come join us and experience a Light Body tune up and see for yourself.

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Using Frequency to Release Anxiety, Worry, & Fear - Part 2

In each unique session of this three-part group tuning series, you will explore different areas of your biofield, accessing and releasing energetic patterns relating to anxiety, worry, and fear.  Week 2: Getting Unstuck. Bathe in different coherent frequencies helping to identify and release old habits and patterns.

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Using Frequency to Release Anxiety, Worry, & Fear - Part 3

In each unique session of this three-part group tuning series, you will explore different areas of your biofield, accessing and releasing energetic patterns relating to anxiety, worry, and fear.  Week 3: Moving Forward. More frequencies as we continue releasing with the tunings and take that next step towards creating the life you desire.  Come join us and experience a Light Body tune up and see for yourself.

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Master the Material Plane As Yourself

Hosted by Amanda Lehman.  An introduction into Human Design, a new technology for discovering your unique place in the world.  Human Design is  a personal and professional assessment tool to reveal your hidden potentials in life.  It helps you understand your true strengths, talents, and gifts, so you can choose activities and roles that better align with who you are, and be more successful as a result.

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2022 Coptic Conference - A New Cycle of Awakening: Ancient Wisdoms for a Transitioning World

Positive, uplifting messages from 20 powerful speakers to help you make the most of these transitioning times.  Please see description below for notes on the different versions offered.

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